You can apply it with Paint Format tool only once (2nd click) but with the shortcut as often as required.
If you copy a text format/style with cmd shift C ( or with the 1st click on Paint Format tool!) it will remain in the 'format/style pasteboard' until you copy another text format/style or quit Word. Choosing some formatted text and double-clicking Paint Format tool and formatting several other text parts afterwards equals cmd shift C and several cmd shift V. Or Control-click (or right-click) the item you selected, then choose Copy from the shortcut menu.Choosing another part of the text ('2nd click') equals choosing some text and cmd shift V (paste format) - the Paint Format tool button is resetted afterwards!.Choosing some formatted text and clicking Paint Format tool (1st click) equals cmd shift C (copy format).The logic behind the Paint Format tool button compared to the default shortcuts works like this: It's not necessary to set up a custom shortcut for Word's Paint Format tool double click. If you set up a 'concurrent' shortcut it may also occur in Services, Screenshot etc.Īlso check the app's preferences whether you set up custom shortcuts which override the app's default shortcuts. as mentioned in the help text/manual) check whether you configured the same shortcut as global shortcut in System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts. If a shortcut doesn't work as expected (i.e.